Friday, March 23, 2012

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Chest to Bar Pullups?!! #@$)#@!!! I really thought we were going to see Handstand Pushups, but CrossFit got really creative and is using the same workout they did in last years open. This means nothing to me since last year I didn't even compete. For those that have no idea what I'm talking about, the next CrossFit Open workout is a ladder of Thrusters and Chest to Bar Pullups. The good news...its the LAST one!! Bad news..I'm not good at CTB! I just learned how to do a CTB pullup so I'm going to try my best and we'll see what happens.

Anyway, once again I was in a baking mood, weird right? No not at all, I have a problem. And I know what happens when I bake...I eat a lot of everything I bake unless I immediately bag it up and bring it somewhere else so someone else can eat it! Well I took a look at what I had laying around and noticed I had some super ripe bananas that needed to get thrown in the freezer or I needed to bake with them. So, I went to one of my favorite sites, DessertStalker and searched banana. So many amazing things came up, but I got stuck on the chocolate chip banana muffins. I have never made a muffin yet, but I do like them and thought this would be a great time to try making some muffins. It was a new website that I have never been to before, but the picture made me drool so I knew this one could be a winner. 

RECIPE: Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins


3 mashed over ripe bananas (Mine for small/medium size)
1/2 tsp baking soda
6 eggs
1/4 cup melted coconut oil 
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup chocolate chips (I use ENJOY LIFE)
Another reason I liked this recipe is the person that created it is lazy like me and just throws everything into a bowl and mixes. Ahhh so easy for us people that hate dirtying 2 bowls and many different utensils. I used Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips for this one, but sometimes just buy some dark chips to use too. Yes, they aren't paleo and you can omit them, but who doesn't love some chocolate? You can buy the Enjoy Life ones at Whole Foods or Natural Grocers or buy them on Amazon HERE.
Also, when you bake Paleo,  you always seem to use lots of eggs. Eggs are one of those things I never skimp on. I always get Cage-free, organic, Omega-3 eggs. They have great prices at Sunflower market and even the regular grocery stores are selling these type of eggs. I go through like 3 dozen every few weeks...I like eggs. I even got one that had two yolks in it the other day...I think that means I'm going to have good luck or something or I could have made that up..whatever.

Ok on to the Muffins, after 25min at 350 degrees, they came out of the oven puffed up and little brown on top and smelled wonderfully! If you have those awesome silicone muffin cups, I'd use those. I didn't so they stuck a little to the paper, but i did sneak them into 12 cups even though the recipe said 11. 
After letting them cool for 10 seconds (yes you should wait longer..much longer), I had to dig to in, the smell was overtaking my will power to wait. YUM!! The taste of banana doesn't overpower your taste buds and its great banana actually makes the muffin a little sweet. The banana and chocolate chips complement each other and the texture is just like a muffin, just a little spongier I thought. I became immediately addicted to them and if you read my previous posts you know I have no self control and soon inhaled two more of these puppies. They are all gone now after I decided to give the rest to Sean and well he ate three right away before I had to take them away from him. Success!! And I was even complemented that this was one of my better baked goods!! 
If you are looking for that paleo muffin recipe and enjoy the combination of chocolate and banana, these are a no-brainer. I might wait a long time before I make another batch though, unless I have taste testers other than me! Ok time to enjoy this amazing weather..have a great weekend everyone, its supposed to be 80 here! Oh and get ready for the best paleo cookie recipe ever!!!!


  1. My family thought these were yummy :) Just made them this morning. I don't know if they'll last the night. Everybody keeps wanting more. Only thing we swapped was white chocolate chips since that was what was on hand.

  2. These are now a favorite in our house. They are also really good with cinnamon instead of nutmeg and blueberries instead of chocolate chips. This is a fantastic recipe. Thank you for sharing it!
